lördag 30 oktober 2010

A beautiful story from Ron and Margaret

 The two Princes 2010-10-29 had to take a bath after hours of running :)

Paul's dad Ron & his wonderful Margaret have written a beautiful story about the boys! THANK YOU!!!
Once upon a time in a far off land of tigers and dragons, lived two Princes ...because of the ways, and traditions of that land, their parents took each Prince many miles towards the mountains, the Princes were very young....and left them for someone else to care for, before returning to the big City.. The Princes met each other when they were taken in, and cared for by some kind people... who looked after other children, that had been left by their mothers... There were many reasons as to why the children were given away...sometimes it was because the family was too large, sometimes the law said "Only one child allowed"...or as with our two Princes they both had something wrong with them...or to give them a better chance in life. Their names are now Teo and Aiden, and they became very good friends ,almost 'blood brothers' ..always together, playing and laughing...and so that's how their life was going to be, living and playing with many other children..Aiden was born with a Cleft Palate and was given some treatment for it...whilst Teo suffered some heart problem, but hopefully that will heal in time... At the same time they were in the land called China, across the seas and mountains lived two people called Paul and Isabel, they were married and lived in Sweden....they dearly wanted to have children of their own, but it wasn't possible.....so they heard about children like Aiden and Teo many miles away, and that it may be possible to adopt a child of their own,so they wrote a letter to ask... Also living in Sweden were Calle and Tina, they were also married and wanted a child of their own...and they also wrote to enquire about adoption. This was going to be a long, long process....and as time went on both couples enquired on the Internet about others who had already adopted from China, or were hoping to.... After a while both Calle / Tina's and Paul and Isabel's paths crossed and they communicated ..met and became very good friends....this was very good for them all, they shared all the joy and upsets of news from China, then delays... Finally good news came through..all the paperwork correct..Tina and Calle went to China and adopted Teo, at last they were to become a family... This meant that the two Princes had been parted...as their close bond to be destroyed?..so easilly this story could have a sad ending.. Very soon afterwards, Paul and Isabel got their good news, and travelled to China in January 2010... to adopt Aiden and bring him home,also to Sweden to become a family... We now have both our Princes safely adopted, by two couples who were also good friends living about 60 miles apart, so they would still meet..after travelling thousands of miles.. There is just one more magical twist to our Fairy Tale....Paul and Isabel lived in a small flat on the 3rd floor, and wanted to move to a house with a garden, they looked at several houses, some they liked. and some they didn't.. Then the late Spring early Summer, they saw the ideal home,,large garden....plenty of space...beautiful area...just right for a new family to grow up in. and they moved in July. But what of Teo...did this mean that again their friendship was to be jeapodised....?...well that wouldn't be the happy ending we all wished for... Paul..Isabel..Tina..Calle and our two little Princes live a few hundred yards apart, able to meet daily, play and laugh again together...go to the same school..and even fight over the prettiest Princess in town when they are older...... And they all lived happilly ever after. We are all a little old to believe in Fairy Stories.....but we have seen ..and held the Princes....we have heard them laugh....and seen them play....we now believe that Fairy Stories can come true. The End.....or is it just the beginning? Ron and Margaret

måndag 11 oktober 2010

Hos farfar i Puerto Rico-Grand Canaria

Tisdagen den 28 september så drog vi iväg en vecka till Canarieholmarna för att hälsa på farfar Dan som är ute och långseglar. Med resväskorna fulla av svenska delikatesser :) och en löpmeter deckare så satte vi foten på hotellrummet vid 15 snåret på eftermiddagen.

Utsikten från vår balkong över hamnen och farfars båt.
Båten i hamnen.
På onsdagsförmiddagen begav vi oss glada i hågen iväg på delfinsafari och bad tur...

...Teo hjälpte farfar att styra...
...allt kändes bra tills vi kom en bit ut till havs. Calle började mista färgen i ansiktet och antog en grönvit nyans och jag började också känna av vågorna. Efter ett tag så somnade Teo (vilket var tur). Efter någon timme hade vi kommit så nära land igen så dyningarna inte var lika höga och magsäcken hamnade på rätt ställe igen. Vi ankrade och tog världshistoriens skönaste dopp. Jag har full förståelse för de som hoppar i vattnet om de blir tillräckligt sjösjuka! Hua!

Så här mådde vi!

På kvällarna åt vi middag tillsammans och Teo som längtat efter farfar så länge njöt i fulla drag av uppmärksamheten!


Min "faffa"!

Att låna farfars hatt är kul...och snygg blir man!!!

Mammas solbrillor måste också testas ca en gång i timmen :)

appa är söööööööööööööt" säger Teo!!!

På måndagen hyrde vi bil och åkte till Maspalomas öknen.
Det är mäktigt med öknar tycker jag, speciellt eftersom denna ligger så att man har havet bredvid. Vi gick en bit efter stranden och hamnade i området för naturalisterna :) Teo blev speciellt intresserad av en man som vi mötte på stranden med piercing. "AAJJJJ MAMMA ONT"

Sand i kläderna är inget bekymmer!

Vi åkte vidare till Playa del ingles och gick på Hard Rock café och fick in ett bärg av mat...och dryck. Dan tog bussen tillbaka till Puerto Rico medan vi fortsatte vår bilpromenad.

Mycket kuperat och lite läskiga vägar på sina ställen!

Jag fick lov att stanna efter vägen och ta kort på detta häftiga träd! Är det någon som vet vad det är???

Vi hade en kanon v
ecka hos farfar, det gör vi gärna om snart igen!!!